Thursday, October 1, 2015

How to Make Bean Bags

You will need 2 or 3 balloons about the size shown, 
I bought the mixed bag of balloons at my local Dollar Tree store.

Cut the balloons as shown

You will also need the following materials: Dried beans or other filling material. I used lentils for this example.  A funnel (wide opening is helpful)  Something to tamp the beans into the balloon.  Here I used a chop stick.

Use the funnel to get the beans into the balloon

You will need to push the beans down into the balloon.
Be careful not to push so hard the you put a hole in the balloon.
Try not to overfill as you will need enough room to twist and tape the opening closed.

Once you reach the desired fill, twist the excess balloon at the top and tape the opening down

Now cut a second balloon

Wrap the second balloon around the first balloon in the opposite direction so that the opening are on opposite sides.

Tape down this opening as well - you do not need to twist this time, simply fold it over.
 You can use a clear tape or a same colored tape for a better finish. 

If you like, you can repeat this step again with a third balloon for better durability.

The ball should fit inside the sling as shown.
We recommend, that for the competition, you make several beanbags of various weights for firing at different distances.

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